

Making It

  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Film maker: Kate Allman Team
Runtime: 20:00 mins.

This is the headline film of the 2023/24 Women’s Adventure Film Tour and produced by an award- winning team of journalists and filmmakers. The team is still seeking sponsors and would love to hear from brands interested in supporting women’s sport and adventure and shining a light on untold stories in this arena.

The documentary features high-profile athletes with large followings, including former Australian
Diamonds netball captain Caitlin Bassett, former Olympic hopeful skier Annabel Blake, World
Championship Tour surfer India Robinson, and Indigenous rugby star Aneeka Riley.

Kate Allman, prominent Australian sports journalist, is host, producer and narrator. The film is being co-produced, edited and directed by award-winning production company The Story Mill. This team won the People’s Choice Award at the Sydney Film Festival in 2022.

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